>> Apologies for my slow response - urgent RFI's.

>No need for apology :) And thank you for chiming back in. Your help is much

>> Ok, so I reverted nsswitch to the 'files db' setting.
>> I stopped cygserver
>> I ran your commands to recreate /etc/passwd and /etc/group 
>> (they now contain 1 line and 3 lines respectively - before it had about 10 & 
>> 21 lines in each)

>That's surprisingly small amount of groups.
>Even on local system, I have 11(13 if elevated) groups attached to my userid.
>Perhaps, the execution of the id -G has been influenced by your current (at
>that moment) /etc/group file.

Not sure why it was only a few. I've rerun it (took more than 5 mins) and I get 
quite a few more - about 
See below...

>> To create a bash terminal window (from cmd) takes about 5-6 minutes.
>> cmd /v:on /c "echo !TIME! & C:\cygwin64\bin\mintty.exe /bin/echo "test" & 
>> echo !TIME!"
>> 11:01:20.27
>> 11:06:59.78 = 5:39.51

>> Starting cygserver:
>> 11:08:31.55
>> 11:08:31.62 = 0:00.07

>> Stopping it again:
>> 11:09:19.02
>> 11:15:04.45 = 05:45.43

>> With the 'db' entry excluded as a control:
>> 11:15:56.80
>> 11:15:56.90 = 00:00.10

>> I reverted back to use files+db and my larger passwd and group files, turned 
>> on cygserver:
>> 11:19:34.31
>> 11:19:34.38 = 00:00.07

>Could you please do me a favor and repeat the test with a little deviation of
>my previous suggestion?

>1. Remove /etc/{nsswitch.conf,passwd,group} files. (Rename, move away - by
>your choice.)
>2. Stop cygserver, if it is running, and any other Cygwin-related programs.
>3. Start the mintty (elevated, if need) with write access to /etc. Supposedly,
>this will be slow.
>4. Make sure id -G lists all the groups you're member of.
>The `id -znG | tr "\0" "\n"` would probably be more visible.
>5. Repeat the steps from previous suggestion.
>    getent passwd $(id -u) > /etc/passwd
>    getent group $(id -G) > /etc/group
>    printf "%s\n" "passwd: files db" "group: files db" > /etc/nsswitch.conf
> 6. Close and restart mintty

After I'd run the id -znG, it found 87 groups.
Then I did this (even with cygserver running)

~ getent passwd $(id -u) > /etc/passwd
~ getent group $(id -G) > /etc/group
      0 [main] getent 48156 transport_layer_pipes::connect: lost connection to 
cygserver, error = 2
~ wc -l /etc/group
58 /etc/group

Since it seems like cygserver stopped, it took a while to complete.
Anyway, with cygserver stopped, I ran the getent again elevated and got 83.
~ wc -l /etc/group
83 /etc/group

Not really sure how many groups I'm a member of (in another tool), but seems 
about right.

Hope that helps 

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