On Nov 25 17:09, Habermann, David (D) wrote:
> > Two things to keep in mind:
> > - It's not actually clear yet if it's a sidHistory entry or some SID
> >  created by another mechanism.
> > Even if it's sidHistory, it may be *very* old.  Did you work at the
> >  company already back in NT4 times?  That might explain the sidHistory
> >  entry and the total lack of files still having this SID in its ACL.
> >  As far as I know, Microsoft suggests to remove the sidHistory entries
> >  as soon as they are not needed anymore.
> Yes, I guess I'll have to date myself now.  I've worked here with the
> same user ID since 1975 (full time since 1980), so I span basically
> the entire non-mainframe computer era.  So what you are suggesting is
> quite likely, and it would not be surprising for clean-up work to have
> been neglected.  A quick look in our AD shows numerous things such as
> "Legacy local groups" and "Legacy Mailboxes".  One concern I have here
> is that when I dig down into AD to "DC=dow,DC=com,OU=Dow
> Users,OU=Employees" and find what I believe is my current active
> record I find a record with "U074036" (capital 'U') whereas the record
> we saw as my "UID" earlier in this thread was with a lowercase 'u'.

Hmm.  That should not be a big problem because user and group name
comparisons are case-insensitive.  Hopefully everywhere in the code...

> I
> found this by searching for sAMAccountName=u074036, and it is the only
> record found by this search.

Does this record have one or more entries in the sidHistory attribute?


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