> Thanks.  Unfortunately it's not useful, becasue the actual problem
> occurred inside Cygserver.  What I need would be the problem captured
> by running cygserver from the command line like this:

>  $ strace -o cygserver.trace /usr/sbin/cygserver -d 2> cygserver.stderr

> and see the two files cygserver.trace and cygserver.stderr.

Will do the next time I see this...too bad I didn't see your e-mail earlier 
this morning, as I had another recurrence today after a 

>> I can't really stop cygserver only, as (discussed here earlier) I've
>> created dependencies.  When I attempt to shut down cygserver, I get
>> prompted that the others must also be shut down.

> That's a bit of a problem for debugging.

I'll remove those dependencies for now to aid in debugging.  I can add them 
back later.

> Did you notice my mail https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2014-11/msg00480.html, 
> btw?

I had not.  Somehow I'm not surprised that we have "historical junk" in our AD, 
and (of course) I don't have access to do any cleanup.

> Still, some debugging on affected systems might be enlightening.

I'll be happy to do anything of interest.  As a starter, I'm going to see if I 
can figure out which of my SIDs are being used by the couple of file shares I 
routinely access from cygwin.

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