On Nov 25 16:24, Habermann, David (D) wrote:
> >> Still, some debugging on affected systems might be enlightening.
> > I'll be happy to do anything of interest.  As a starter, I'm going 
> > to see if I can figure out which of my SIDs are being used by the 
> > couple of file shares I routinely access from cygwin.
> I was unable to quickly figure out anything...looking at this make me
> feel a bit dense.  I do have a copy of Active Directory Explorer and
> can do some looking, but the materials inside are so huge that I don't
> even know where to start.

Two things to keep in mind:

- It's not actually clear yet if it's a sidHistory entry or some SID
  created by another mechanism.

- Even if it's sidHistory, it may be *very* old.  Did you work at the
  company already back in NT4 times?  That might explain the sidHistory
  entry and the total lack of files still having this SID in its ACL.
  As far as I know, Microsoft suggests to remove the sidHistory entries
  as soon as they are not needed anymore.

Talking about feeling dense:  I inspected the underlying Cygwin code
which creates the grouplist you see in `id' output.  I have not been
able to come up with any cause for your problem :(


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