On 12/6/2013 8:38 AM, Andrea Venturoli wrote:
On 12/05/13 15:40, marco atzeri wrote:

In the end I got a trace file (which is over 7MB!), but it's nothing I
can interpret.
What should I do?
Anything I should look for?

any seriuos error ;-)

Wish I could discern... :-)

see here
Problem reports:       http://cygwin.com/problems.html
and follow the "cygcheck -s -v -r > cygcheck.out" point

additonal you can upload the trace file somewhere, so someone could take
a look

Both files are here:

I just took a second look at your strace output, and I saw the same font issue as the one here:


Try the remedy I suggested there.


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