On Dec 10 10:34, Andrea Venturoli wrote:
> On 12/06/13 17:26, Ken Brown wrote:
> >I don't know if this explains your emacs problem, but the group
> >"mkgroup" indicates that /etc/group (and possibly /etc/passwd) should be
> >rebuilt  Don't you get a message about this when you start a shell?
> I don't get any such message.
> "mkpasswd -l" won't list me, since I'm a domain user.
> "mkpasswd -l -D", "mkpasswd -l -D domain", "mkpasswd -l -d" and
> "mkpasswd -l -d domain" all end with error 2221.

That's weird.  I never saw that happen with the -d/-D option.  Especialy
because mkpasswd -d/-D doesn't rely on any user name, it just asks the
domain controller to list the domain accounts using the NetUserEnum
function, and NetUserEnum is not documented to be able to return
error 2221 (NERR_UserNotFound) at all.  Are you running this under a
domain account?


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