On Fri, Dec 06, 2013 at 03:18:31PM +0100, marco atzeri wrote:
>Il 12/6/2013 2:38 PM, Andrea Venturoli ha scritto:
>> On 12/05/13 15:40, marco atzeri wrote:
>>>> In the end I got a trace file (which is over 7MB!), but it's nothing I
>>>> can interpret.
>>>> What should I do?
>>>> Anything I should look for?
>>> any seriuos error ;-)
>> Wish I could discern... :-)
>the crash is here
>--- Process 3888, exception c0000005 at 610FA004
>--- Process 3888, exception c0000005 at 00597673
>--- Process 3888, exception c0000005 at 610D67B3
>$ addr2line.exe -a 610FA004 -e /usr/bin/cygwin1.dll

That is not a crash.

>but I do not see a clear reason of why it is happening
>verifyable_object_isvalid (void const *objectptr, thread_magic_t magic, 
>void *static_ptr1,
>                            void *static_ptr2, void *static_ptr3)
>   myfault efault;
>   if (efault.faulted (objectptr))                           <<< here
>     return INVALID_OBJECT;                                  <<<

This is the return of "INVALID_OBJECT" if an invalid pointer is passed
to a thread routine.


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