On Mar  2 04:59, Eric Blake wrote:
> On 03/02/2012 03:46 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> > /etc/profile.d/1777fix.sh:
> > 
> >   #!/bin/bash
> As long as we're requiring bash,...
> [...]
> >       if getfacl "${file}" | grep -Eq 'default:(group:|other):rwx'
> Is it worth converting this to case/esac for one fewer child process?
> >       then
> >     cnt=$(expr $cnt + 1)
> ...this should be written cnt=$((cnt + 1))
> >     setfacl -m d:g::r-x,d:o:r-x "${file}" 2>/dev/null \
> >     && success=$(expr $success + 1)
> and this as success=$((success + 1))
> >       fi
> >     done
> >     # If no file needed treatment, or if all setfacl calls succeeded,
> >     # create the
> Incomplete comment.
> >     [ $cnt -eq  $success ] && touch "${GUARDFILE}"
> >   fi

Thanks for the review.  Like this?

  # Fix a problem introduced by older versions of setup.exe
  # Directories with 1777 permissions were erroneously created
  # with 777 inheritable default permissions.  This is a security
  # problem for non-Cygwin apps using these folders.  This is
  # especially tragic in case of /tmp.

  DIRLIST="/home /tmp /usr/tmp /var/log /var/run"

  if [ ! -f "${GUARDFILE}" ]
    for file in ${DIRLIST}
      # We test if the default group or other permissions are rwx.
      # If so, it's dangerous and highly likely that these are still
      # the permissions set by setup.exe
      case $(getfacl "${file}") in
      *default:group::rwx* | *default:other:rwx* )
        cnt=$(($cnt + 1))
        setfacl -m d:g::r-x,d:o:r-x "${file}" 2>/dev/null \
        && success=$(($success + 1))
    # If no file needed treatment, or if all setfacl calls succeeded,
    # create the guard file.
    [ $cnt -eq  $success ] && touch "${GUARDFILE}"


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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