Greetings, Corinna Vinschen!

> Dead on, thanks!  The definitions of tmp and temp in /etc/profile result
> in a double definition of the %TMP% and %TEMP% dos variables from the
> .Net applications POV and it's too dumb to handle that gracefully.

> So the solution is, either we drop the tmp and temp definitions in
> /etc/profile, or old .net apps should be started only after calling
> `unset tmp temp' in bash.

> Btw., tmp and temp are not preserved this way in tcsh's profile scripts.
> So I'm wondering why we do it in /etc/profile.  Can somebody give me a
> management summary?

I guess that was an attempt to fix something that isn't made things right, but
left there for years.
I would rather propose to solve it the other way around and use /etc/fstab
functionality to mount Cygwin's /tmp to current user's %TEMP% folder.
I don't know, how would that work in multi-user environment, though.

Andrey Repin ( 29.02.2012, <02:46>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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