"Corinna Vinschen" wrote news:
> On Mar  1 10:16, Matt Seitz (matseitz) wrote:
> > 
> > Here's another thought:  is the problem only with the "/home"
> > that Cygwin setup creates (ex: /cygdrive/c/cygwin/home)?  If so,
> > it be possible to only modify that original "/home" directory, and
> > whatever directory "/home" might now point to?
> If you have the inheritable default permissions set as the getfacl
> tests, then you should be glad if this gets changed, regardless
> this is the same /home that setup created.

OK, fair enough.  I just thought it might be safer or "more polite" for
Setup to not change permissions which Setup didn't set in the first
place, or that the user might have explicitly set.  And, of course, the
user always has the option to change the permissions back again if they
really want them.

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