On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 10:30:33AM +0200, Angelo Graziosi wrote:
>Christopher Faylor wrote:
>> To clarify:  I see nothing in any of the chain of messages that you
>> referred to which indicates that this is the same problem.  You're
>> asserting that this is the case but not providing any details to
>> back that statement up.
>I *think* (my guess) it is the same problem because Emacs hangs *only* 
>if I open a dialog clicking on one of the three first icons. I use GTK 
>builds since Apr 2008 and never seen this. However it is my guess...
>In any case some other details.

There isn't anything in the description which would indicate that this
is the same problem that you are replying to.  The fact that you saw
something not working doesn't mean that it's the same "cannot fork"


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