Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:
Could you put your emacs-gtk tarballs somewhere, or if not, at least your 


I still do not use cygport to build Emacs. :-(

In any case, I have a Cygwin-1.5 build here(*) for Emacs-23 with which the problems I flagged are reproducible (at least by me). Since that build uses 'ungif' a simple workaround to use it on Cygwin-1.7 it is:

cp /usr/bin/cyggif-4.dll /usr/bin/cygungif-4.dll

On the emacs-23.1.release.README, you will find how to install (get_and_install-emacs-23.1.release.sh).

You have to start Emacs with:

$ G_SLICE=always-malloc emacs23 -q &

(the '-q' option avoids loading configuration files and it is used mainly for 'debugging' problems).

If you want a 'native' 1.7 build, I can write how I do (mainly configure+make+make install). However, the current method used by Ken (the Emacs maintainer) should be valid if one remove 'lucid' and uses 'gtk' to obtain a GTK build.

Thanks for taking care of this.


(*) http://www.webalice.it/angelo.graziosi/cygwin/emacs/Emacs.html

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