Anyway to get back on topic.  I had cygwin.dll 1.3.10-1 so that was not the 
problem.  I just did run set up and that updated a bunch of things.  Now 
telnet and ftp do work.  Inetutils ws one on the things I saw in the list 
of updated software.


At 09:50 AM 3/8/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>At 06:28 AM 3/8/2002, Rafael Botejara Cepeda wrote:
> >Hello:
> >
> >I sent a mail on Feb, 26th:
> >
> >
> >I had no answers!
>Just to be clear, posting a question doesn't guarantee an answer.  It simply
>let's us all know the troubles you see.  I'm sure if someone had some ideas
>(beyond the obvious of 'debug it yourself' ;-) ), you'd get a response.
>There's no harm in interpreting a lack of response as an indication that
>no one here has the answer for you, at least not at this time.
>For posterity, I'll use this post to restate the important issue again.
>Just because you post, don't expect an answer.  Even more than that, don't
>let the fact that you don't get an answer get under your skin.  No response
>simply means no one on the list has any information they think is useful to
>you.  No one's hoarding information you need and jealously keeping it to
>themselves.  While re-posting exactly the same information about a problem
>may, on occasion, result in some feedback that's helpful, it's also quite
>common for such posts to annoy those who frequent this high-volume list,
>causing them to become less interested in your issue.  So, before posting
>an issue again, please be considerate and think about whether your posting
>contains any new, useful information about the problem.  If not, it may be
>worth some time to try to find some additional information before writing a
>follow-up post.  Such actions can go a long way toward finding a resolution
>to the problem you're having.
>Thanks Rafael for affording me the opportunity to use your posting to
>address this assumption about the Cygwin list.  Fortunately, it seems this
>assumption is not common but it's still worthwhile to take a moment to
>dispel the myth.
>Larry Hall                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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