
Sorry for be impatient...

I think there is a bug in cygwin.dll, and in the mailing list others bugs have 
got answers quickly

I've checking the "ml" all the days.

Thanks to you,

-----Mensaje original-----
De:     Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc) [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Enviado el:     viernes, 08 de marzo de 2002 15:50
Asunto: RE: Telneting/ftping to cygwin

At 06:28 AM 3/8/2002, Rafael Botejara Cepeda wrote:
>I sent a mail on Feb, 26th:
>I had no answers!

Just to be clear, posting a question doesn't guarantee an answer.  It simply
let's us all know the troubles you see.  I'm sure if someone had some ideas
(beyond the obvious of 'debug it yourself' ;-) ), you'd get a response.
There's no harm in interpreting a lack of response as an indication that
no one here has the answer for you, at least not at this time.

For posterity, I'll use this post to restate the important issue again.

Just because you post, don't expect an answer.  Even more than that, don't
let the fact that you don't get an answer get under your skin.  No response
simply means no one on the list has any information they think is useful to
you.  No one's hoarding information you need and jealously keeping it to
themselves.  While re-posting exactly the same information about a problem
may, on occasion, result in some feedback that's helpful, it's also quite
common for such posts to annoy those who frequent this high-volume list,
causing them to become less interested in your issue.  So, before posting
an issue again, please be considerate and think about whether your posting
contains any new, useful information about the problem.  If not, it may be
worth some time to try to find some additional information before writing a
follow-up post.  Such actions can go a long way toward finding a resolution
to the problem you're having.

Thanks Rafael for affording me the opportunity to use your posting to
address this assumption about the Cygwin list.  Fortunately, it seems this
assumption is not common but it's still worthwhile to take a moment to
dispel the myth.

Larry Hall                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RFK Partners, Inc.            
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