On Thu, Mar 07, 2002 at 08:22:37AM -0500, Louis Bohm wrote:
> I just did a compleat reinstall of cygwin from scratch on my win2k 
> machine.  Before I had it setup to allow me to telnet and ftp to my machine 
> using cygwin.  Now I am unable to.
> I have run inetd.exe --install-as-service and I have the cygwin variable 
> setup as tty title glob ntea binmode.  When I telnet in I get:
>         [lbohm@YODA:/usr/doc/Cygwin] > telnet yoda
>         Trying
>         Connected to yoda.
>         Escape character is '^]'.
>         Connection closed by foreign host.
> Where yoda is the name of my win2k host.  The above tells me that 
> in.telnetd is running but that something else is stopping it.  I do not see 
> a hosts.allow or a hosts.deny anywhere.
> What am I missing to get this working??

Any hint in the event log?


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