----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Collins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Michael A Chase" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Andrew DeFaria"
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 19:09
Subject: Re: Suggestion for setup

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Michael A Chase" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >    It wouldn't be very hard to add /etc/passwd.lnk and /etc/group.lnk
> to the
> > test in desktop.cc.  Would you accept it?  I'm a bit hesitant because
> there
> > are lots of other files and directories that might also be affected.
> For setup200202 - the next release - I'll include such a test. Don't
> bother creating a patch.
> For HEAD, IMO the cygfile io_stream class should be symlink aware, and
> the /etc/passwd check should be using that class. That will sovle the
> problem there... and prevent new occurences.

There are quite a few places using _access() directly that should probably
be using io_stream::exists().  As soon as the new setup.exe is released, I
can go hunting for them and submit a patch.
Mac :})
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