Christopher Faylor wrote:

> The code in setup.exe seems to indicate that mkpasswd and mkgroup will
> not be run if the corresponding files already exist.  I was asking if
> people were actually seeing this happen after a first-time install.

I see mkpass -l run each and every time Cygwin is installed or a newer 
version is installed. In our environment we wish /etc/passwd to 
represent all users in the domain. Thus upgrading Cygwin causes mkpass 
-l and causes things to break.

> Even if it is not the case that this only happens the first time you
> install cygwin, using setup.exe to upgrade /etc/passwd is really not the
> right way to deal with this.  Just run mkpasswd and mkgroup.  There is
> no reason to involve setup.exe.

I'm not saying that if one wants /etc/passwd updated one sure run 
Cygwin's setup.exe. What I'm saying is that Cygwin's setup.exe should 
not break the /etc/passwd in place already. My experiences says that 
setup currently breaks things.

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