> -----Original Message-----
> Of Warren Young
> John Peacock wrote:
> > 
> > p.s. and I guess your color scheme isn't so awful; typically you 
> never want to
> > have red and blue of the same intensity next to each other, since the same
> > cones in your eyes perceive both colors and you can sometimes get 
> the phantom
> > movement
> I wear glasses that distort blue/red so that as I move my head, the
> foreground color appears to move slightly over the top of the
> background.  (Some kind of difference in the way the lenses refract the
> differing wavelengths.)  It's very annoying, but fortunately red/blue
> combinations are pretty rare.
Rxvt in Super-3D.  Sweet.

Gary R. Van Sickle
Brewer.  Patriot. 

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