On 1/8/2002 8:51 AM, Pavel Tsekov wrote:

>> --- cygwin.bat.orig     Tue Jan  8 09:15:22 2002
>> +++ cygwin.bat  Tue Jan  8 09:20:22 2002
>> @@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
>>  D:
>>  chdir \cygwin\bin
>> -bash --login -i
>> +start rxvt -sl 300 -e bash --login -i
> Well, this is fine as long as the rxvt package is installed :)
> However the current installer doesn't care about this too :) Maybe
> a new page asking for a preferred shell/console would be useful.
> This will instruct setup.exe to include the shell/console package
> exclusively and there will be no more errors of the type - "clicking
> on cygwin icon produces a just quick flash".
> However :) This were just my .04 euro cents :)
Humm.  I comment out the bash line and I add the rxvt line and I get the 
"guick flash."  I do have rxvt installed, so what have I done wrong?

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