
On Wed, Dec 26, 2001 at 09:08:49PM +0100, Ralf Habacker wrote:
> On analysing this problem I added an option "-l" to the rebase tool to
> list dll's imagebase and -size without rebasing. It's very interesting
> to see how MS chooses there Imagebase.

What about the following alternative solution:

    $ objdump -p foo.dll | egrep '(ImageBase|SizeOfImage)'
    ImageBase               68000000
    SizeOfImage             0003f000

> Because I hacked this very quick, I have used simple FILE structure
> and fopen/fread calls.  Perhaps someone like to change this to iostream
> functionality.

At this point, my priorities are:

    1. attempt to contribute rebase to binutils
    2. work on the integration with setup.exe

After the above is completed, then I would entertain adding such an
option if the community deemed it appropriate.  But, wouldn't
implementing it via ReBaseImage()'s fReBase parameter as opposed to
plucking certain bytes out of the executable be a better approach?  I
presume that this is how MS implements their '-s' (just sum image range)


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