On Mon, Jan 30, 2006 at 11:58:19PM +0000, Robert Watson wrote:
> On Tue, 31 Jan 2006, Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:
> >On Monday, 30 January 2006 at 15:35:25 +0300, Gleb Smirnoff wrote:
> >>On Mon, Jan 30, 2006 at 12:33:44PM +0000, Matteo Riondato wrote:
> >>M> matteo      2006-01-30 12:33:44 UTC
> >>M>
> >>M>   FreeBSD src repository
> >>M>
> >>M>   Modified files:
> >>M>     etc/defaults         periodic.conf
> >>M>   Log:
> >>M>   Make df output in periodic mail human readable
> >>
> >>Thanks!
> >
> >*sigh*
> >
> >Not everybody is human.
> My daily script parsers certainly aren't.  I quite like being able to pull 
> in a mailbox of old daily output and plot disk space use over time.  The 
> problem with df -h is that as the numbers get bigger, the granularity 
> becomes very, very coarse.  I.e., you can only see changes at 1GB 
> granularity for big disks, so you can't actually usefully track in any 
> detail daily usage rates.

I think that if the war of computers against humans ever begins,
it will break out from an event like this commit.  And then some
geek folks will certainly come down on the side of computers.  The
granularity of "df -h" is too coarse even to, ahem, some readers
of the list, keep alone the scripts.  Quite naturally, they dread
being treated as inadequately human some day soon.

To help keep peace, let's support the campaign against denying
computers their right to get complete and uncensored information
in plain text or, under very special conditions, XML :-)

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