On 12/16/2013 2:57 AM, Judd Maltin wrote:
> I brought this topic up because I'm also a little confused about one
> design point, as Rob intimates.  Will we be expecting to be able to
> build installable admin server bits for any distro/platform from a build
> box on any other platform?  Or will we remain within same-makes-same, or
> same-makes-similar parameters?
I thing it's important to differentiate between the _development_ 
environment for Crowbar, and the _deployment_ environment for Crowbar.

I think a wide diversity of development environments is useful; it helps 
prevent platform and distro specific from sneaking in, and development 
environments tend to be a personal preference.  Developing on Ubuntu 
server, RHEL, CentOS, or SLES are all viable development options, as 
well as Fedora and OpenSUSE.  But its also requires some awareness of 
what the final deployment platform will support.

The deployment environment is a different situation, and the number of 
supported platforms has to be more limited.

In an ideal world, we should be able to target any platform from any 
environment, but the real world is different, especially as we move 
toward a crowbar 'install' that uses native packaging.

I think that means we'll be in the same-makes-same / same-makes-similar 
neighborhood, at least for packaging.


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