I'd like to see it where our install does not include all the packages and 
components that we create on the ISO today. My hope is we can have a single 
package (rpm/deb) that installs CB onto an existing OS (for Admin server)

That makes this question much less of a concern.

From: Judd Maltin [mailto:j...@newgoliath.com]
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2013 04:57 AM Central Standard Time
To: Adam Spiers <aspi...@suse.com>
Cc: crowbar
Subject: Re: [Crowbar] Centos or Fedora?

I brought this topic up because I'm also a little confused about one design 
point, as Rob intimates.  Will we be expecting to be able to build installable 
admin server bits for any distro/platform from a build box on any other 
platform?  Or will we remain within same-makes-same, or same-makes-similar 

Judd Maltin
I have suffering to learn compassion once and once again.

On Dec 16, 2013 5:51 AM, "Adam Spiers" 
<aspi...@suse.com<mailto:aspi...@suse.com>> wrote:
Iben Rodriguez (iben.rodrig...@gmail.com<mailto:iben.rodrig...@gmail.com>) 
> Hi Judd,
> Most of the larger organizations are using a red hat RHEL or RHEL
> derivative such as CentOS or SuSE, Oracle, Cern, etc.

Just to clarify here:

openSUSE:   community distro *not* based on Fedora or RHEL

SLES:       SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, an enterprise distro
            based off (what is now) openSUSE, first released a year or
            so before RHEL, and supported by ...

SUSE:       originally a German company,  founded in 1992 (the year
            before Red Hat, Inc. ;-)  Now part of The Attachmate
            Group, Inc.

SuSE:       a capitalization of SUSE which was abandoned in 2001
            in favour of "SUSE".

S.u.S.E.:   the original spelling of SUSE, which was abandoned in 1998
            in favour of "SuSE".

Hope that helps ;-)

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