> I tried chain pooling too, and it was too slow. It made the network about
twice slower in tensorflow (using tf.unsorted_segment_sum or max). I'd
rather have twice more layers.

tf.unsorted_segment_max didn't exist in the first public release of
TensorFlow, so I requested it just for this purpose (
https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/549). Too bad it's too slow
to be useful.

Thanks for sharing some details of what you have learned so far!


On Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 5:48 AM, Rémi Coulom <remi.cou...@free.fr> wrote:

> Hi David,
> Thanks for sharing your experiments. It is very interesting.
> I tried chain pooling too, and it was too slow. It made the network about
> twice slower in tensorflow (using tf.unsorted_segment_sum or max). I'd
> rather have twice more layers.
> I never tried dilated convolutions. That sounds interesting.
> The value network of AQ has an interesting architecture. It does not go
> directly from 19x19 to scalar, but works like image-recognition networks,
> with 2x2 pooling until it reaches 1x1. I have not tried it yet, but that
> feels like a good idea.
> Rémi
> ----- Mail original -----
> De: "David Wu" <lightvec...@gmail.com>
> À: computer-go@computer-go.org
> Envoyé: Mercredi 28 Février 2018 20:04:11
> Objet: Re: [Computer-go] Crazy Stone is back
> It's not even just liberties and semeai, it's also eyes. Consider for
> example a large dragon that has miai for 2 eyes in distant locations, and
> the opponent then takes one of them - you'd like the policy net to now
> suggest the other eye-making move far away. And you'd also like the value
> net to distinguish the three situations where the whole group has 2 eyes
> even when they are distant versus the ones where it doesn't.
> I've been doing experiments with somewhat smaller neural nets (roughly 4-7
> residual blocks = 8-14 layers), without sticking to an idealized "zero"
> approach. I've only experimented with policy nets so far, but presumably
> much of this should also transfer to a value net's understanding too.
> 1. One thing I tried was chain pooling, which was neat, but ultimately
> didn't seem promising:
> https://github.com/lightvector/GoNN#chain-pooling
> It solves all of these problems when the strings are solidly connected. It
> helps also when the strings are long but not quite solidly connected too,
> the information still propagates faster than without it. But of course, if
> there are lots of little strings forming a group, diagonal connections,
> bamboo joints, etc, then of course it won't help. And also chain pooling is
> computationally costly, at least in Tensorflow, and it might have negative
> effects on the rest of the neural net that I don't understand.
> 2. A new thing I've been trying recently that actually does seem
> moderately promising is dilated convolutions, although I'm still early in
> testing. They also help increase the speed of information propagation, and
> don't require solidly connected strings, and also are reasonably cheap.
> In particular: my residual blocks have 192 channels, so I tried taking
> several of the later residual blocks in the neural net and making 64 of the
> channels of the first convolution in each block use dilated convolutions
> (leaving 128 channels of regular convolutions), with dilation factors of 2
> or 3. Intuitively, the idea is that earlier blocks could learn to compute
> 2x2 or 3x3 connectivity patterns, and then the dilated convolutions in
> later residual blocks will be able to use that to propagate information
> several spaces at a time across connected groups or dragons.
> So far, indications are that this works. W hen I looked at it in various
> board positions, it helped in a variety of capturing race and
> large-dragon-two-eye-miai situations, correctly suggesting moves that the
> net without dilated convolutions would fail to find due to the move being
> too far away. Also d ilated convolutions seem pretty cheap - it only
> slightly increases the computational cost of the net.
> So far, I've found that it doesn't significantly improve the overall loss
> function, presumably because now there are 128 channels instead of 192
> channels of ordinary convolutions, so in return for being better at
> long-distance interactions, the neural net has gotten worse at some local
> tactics. But it also hasn't gotten worse the way it would if I simply
> dropped the number of channels from 192 to 128 without adding any new
> channels, so the dilated convolutions are being "used" for real work.
> I'd be curious to hear if anyone else has tried dilated convolutions and
> what results they got. If there's anything at all to do other than just add
> more layers, I think they're the most promising thing I know of.
> On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 12:34 PM, Rémi Coulom < remi.cou...@free.fr >
> wrote:
> 192 and 256 are the numbers of channels. They are fully connected, so the
> number of 3x3 filters is 192^2, and 256^2.
> Having liberty counts and string size as input helps, but it solves only a
> small part of the problem. You can't read a semeai from just the
> liberty-count information.
> I tried to be clever and find ways to propagate information along strings
> in the network. But all the techniques I tried make the network much
> slower. Adding more layers is simple and works.
> Rémi
> ----- Mail original -----
> De: "Darren Cook" < dar...@dcook.org >
> À: computer-go@computer-go.org
> Envoyé: Mercredi 28 Février 2018 16:43:10
> Objet: Re: [Computer-go] Crazy Stone is back
> > Weights_31_3200 is 20 layers of 192, 3200 board evaluations per move
> > (no random playout). But it still has difficulties with very long
> > strings. My next network will be 40 layers of 256, like Master.
> "long strings" here means solidly connected stones?
> The 192 vs. 256 is the number of 3x3 convolution filters?
> Has anyone been doing experiments with, say, 5x5 filters (and fewer
> layers), and/or putting more raw information in (e.g. liberty counts -
> which makes the long string problem go away, if I've understood
> correctly what that is)?
> Darren
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