192 and 256 are the numbers of channels. They are fully connected, so the 
number of 3x3 filters is 192^2, and 256^2.

Having liberty counts and string size as input helps, but it solves only a 
small part of the problem. You can't read a semeai from just the liberty-count 

I tried to be clever and find ways to propagate information along strings in 
the network. But all the techniques I tried make the network much slower. 
Adding more layers is simple and works.


----- Mail original -----
De: "Darren Cook" <dar...@dcook.org>
À: computer-go@computer-go.org
Envoyé: Mercredi 28 Février 2018 16:43:10
Objet: Re: [Computer-go] Crazy Stone is back

> Weights_31_3200 is 20 layers of 192, 3200 board evaluations per move
> (no random playout). But it still has difficulties with very long
> strings. My next network will be 40 layers of 256, like Master. 

"long strings" here means solidly connected stones?

The 192 vs. 256 is the number of 3x3 convolution filters?

Has anyone been doing experiments with, say, 5x5 filters (and fewer
layers), and/or putting more raw information in (e.g. liberty counts -
which makes the long string problem go away, if I've understood
correctly what that is)?

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