On 22-03-17 09:41, Darren Cook wrote:
>> The issue with Japanese rules is easily solved by refusing to play
>> under ridiculous rules. Yes, I do have strong opinions. :)
> And the problem with driver-less cars is easily "solved" by banning
> all road users that are not also driver-less cars (including all 
> pedestrians, bikes and wild animals).

I think you misunderstand the sentiment completely. It is not: Japanese
rules are difficult for computers, so we don't like them.

It is: Japanese rules are problematic on many levels, so we prefer to
work with Chinese ones and as a consequence that's what the programs are
trained for and tested on. It is telling that Zen is having these
troubles despite being made by Japanese programmers. I believe the
saying for this is "voting with your feet".

> Or how about this angle: humans are still better than the programs
> at Japanese rules. Therefore this is an interesting area of study.

Maybe some people are interested in studying Japanese rules, like
finding out what they actually are
(http://home.snafu.de/jasiek/j1989c.html). That's fine, but not all that
interesting for AI, or, actually, computer go.

Of course, commercial programs that need to cater to a Japanese (or
Korean) audience are stuck. As are people that want to play the UEC Cup etc.

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