On 06.01.2017 23:37, Jim O'Flaherty wrote:
into a position with superko [...] how do you even get AlphaGo into a the arcane
state in the first place,
I can't in practice.

I have not provided a way to beat AlphaGo from the game start at the empty board.
All I have shown is that there are positions beyond AlphaGo's 
capabilities to refute your claim that AlphaGo would handle all 
positions well.
Hui and Lee constructed positions with such aspects: Hui with long-term 
aji, Lee with complex reduction aji. Some versions of AlphaGo mishandled 
the situations locally or locally + globally.
The professional players will be
open to all sorts of creative ideas on how to find weaknesses with AlphaGo.
Or the amateur players or theoreticians.

Perhaps you can persuade one of the 9p-s to explore your idea
of pushing the AlphaGo AI in this direction.
Rather I'd need playing time against AlphaGo.

IOW, we are now well outside of provable spaces
For certain given positions, proofs of difficulty exist. Since Go is a 
complete-information game, there can never be a proof that AlphaGo could 
never do it. There can only ever be proofs of difficulty.
mathematical proof around a full game
From the empty board? Of course not (today).

We cannot formally prove much simpler models,
Formal proofs for certain types of positions (such as with round_up(n/2) 
n-tuple kos) exist.
robert jasiek
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