There's an assumption implicitly made here, which does not accord with my
experience of frisbee Go: that the player will always aim at an

Suppose I want to play on either of two adjacent points, and I don't care
which. If I aim for one of them, I will land on one of them with
probability (3p+1)/4, or whatever the formula says. I feel that I ought to
be able to do better by aiming midway between them.


On 21 February 2016 at 00:09, Gonçalo Mendes Ferreira <> wrote:

> Hello all,
> Has a consensus been reached about the rules/GTP modifications for
> frisbee Go? I assume a genmove turns into a genmove_reg+play, but:
> 1. What happens with plays unintentionally on top of stones or out of
> bounds?
> 1.1 If converted to passes, do they count towards end of play and
> scoring phase?
> 2. How are the play probabilities distributed?
> I don't remember this being settled, but maybe I've missed it.
> Gonçalo
> PS: Late congratulations to Silver, Huang et al, and John Tromp.
> PPS: My money is still on Lee Sedol.
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