Handicap games opens a can of worms.   The last time we discussed it,
it was difficult to get any kind of reasonable agreement on how to do it.

There are many variations of rules with regard to handicap stones.   On
top of that, we have to think about how to rate such games.

Of course there are advantages too.   Scheduling should become simpler,
but it wouldn't because even with handicap we should try to minimize
the number of mismatched opponents.

I think for now I want to not complicate it any more than I already have.
I plan to do multiple board size and multiple time controls in the same
server,  that is enough for now.

- Don

2009/6/5 Jason House <jason.james.ho...@gmail.com>

> On Jun 5, 2009, at 2:49 PM, Don Dailey <dailey....@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 12:36 PM, Michael Williams 
> <<michaelwilliam...@gmail.com>
> michaelwilliam...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  There will be multiple time controls, but they will be in sync, so that
>>>> your
>>>> program can always play in a shorter time control game without missing a
>>>> game at the longer time control.    The idea is to keep your bot busy
>>>> while
>>>> waiting for future rounds.    You play in the longest time control, but
>>>> when
>>>> you are finished you can play fast games while waiting.   I will have 2
>>>> or 3
>>>> levels of this,  I haven't decided yet.     If I have 3 levels, the
>>>> slowest
>>>> time control will probably need to be a little slower than CGOS uses
>>>> now.
>>> That sounds fine for those bots that have implemented time controls.
>>> Simple-minded bots that just play a given number of simulations, or do
>>> other
>>> things in (more or less) constant time will loose the too fast games
>>> straight
>>> out.
>> That's fine as long as the ratings are kept separate for each time
>> control.
> The more I think about it, the more I think it's important that I keep
> ratings separate for each time control.
> - Don
> Any chance of handicap games when there is a large rating imbalance?
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