> I don't precalculate before MCTS. Criticality, like point owner, is
> re-calculated for each node of the tree, as it grows. It is computed
> from MCTS playouts.
> More precisely, search at a node starts without MC features. Move gammas
> are all computed with static features only. After a few playouts, gammas
> are updated with MC features, computed from the outcome of the first MC
> playouts.

Hi Remi,
Does this mean you play one playout then recalculate the criticality
map, then play one more playout, and recalculate again? Just curious how
much percentage of CPU is spent on those recalculations, and if there is
any strength difference only recalculating after every N playouts? (If
doing say 100K playouts, it seems to me that N could be as high as 500
or 1000 and the idea would still be useful; or just once after 1000
playouts might even be enough?)

Also, you introduce it in the context of semeai. Does it also help with
understanding of seki? (For instance, with the position I posted a
couple of weeks ago, remove any heuristics or patterns that stop the
program playing moves that reduce its liberties and then rely on the
criticality map to discover when that is good or bad.)


Darren Cook, Software Researcher/Developer
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