Isaac Deutsch wrote:

The "criticality" stuff looks really interesting. Do you apply it with the
offline knowledge, or as a RAVE prior value, or otherwise? It looks like
you precalculate (before the MTCS) the ownership + criticality map, maybe
it can be extracted from playouts in the MTCS as well?


I use it as a pattern feature in my pattern-learning scheme described in the Amsterdam 2007 paper.

I am not sure what you mean by "offline knowledge" or "RAVE prior value".

My system computes a "gamma" value for each move. This value is used in two ways:
- progressive widening: moves with bad gamma are pruned
- progressive bias: the value of a move, instead of w/n is (w+c*gamma) / n, with c a constant.

I don't precalculate before MCTS. Criticality, like point owner, is re-calculated for each node of the tree, as it grows. It is computed from MCTS playouts.

More precisely, search at a node starts without MC features. Move gammas are all computed with static features only. After a few playouts, gammas are updated with MC features, computed from the outcome of the first MC playouts.

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