Norbert Gábor Papp wrote:
Thanks for your fast reply,but sorry, I don't really understand this...
The situation -> both player pass, end of the game, I need the score.
I want to remove dead-stones which means :
There is no known perfect algorithm for doing this in every case and
it's a function of how good your program is. So if you figure out how
to do it, please let us know.
Typically, some kind of local search is done and the details of how to
do that vary from program to program. Some do it better than
others. It's not trivial. Search the web, there are papers and
articles about it.
If you use tromp/taylor scoring you don't worry about it. After 2
passes EVERY stone is considered alive. If there are dead stones then
the opponent should not have passed.
If you are asking because you want to implement monte carlo, you just
play until there are no legal eye filling moves, then you pass. Then
you score the board as is with no consideration of dead stones. It's
very simple. Sometimes one side has no moves that fit this criteria
but the other side does, so you just play until both players run out of
non-eye filling moves, which gives 2 consecutive passes.
A reasonable but slow algorithm for identifying dead stones is to play a
few hundred random games (without filling eyes) and if existing stones
rarely or never survive they are dead with a high probability. This
covers most of the simple and visually intuitive cases.
- Don
if (IsGameEnded) {
for (int i=0, int ,j=0; i<table.sizeX,y<table.sizeZ;i++,j++){
if dead(i,j)
I'm interested in the function dead(), which is true when a stone is dead
after both player pass,and the game is ended.
2008/5/14 Jason House <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
That's a function of how smart your bot is. If you play until you only have
eye-filling moves, you can safely assume all of your opponent's stones are
alive, all your groups with two eyes are alive, and everything else is dead.
Note the asymetry - your opponent may use a different strategy.
If you use random playouts, you could compute the probability of specific
points being owned by each player, and use that for both passing and marking
dead stones.
There are many other variants that use life and death modules, but I'll
assume you don't have them yet
Sent from my iPhone
On May 14, 2008, at 9:10 AM, "Norbert Gábor Papp" <
Thanks! How can I identify dead stones?
I haven't seen algorithm for this, and it is a very important part of
a go program
2008/5/14, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
This probably explains it better than I could:
- Don
Norbert Gábor Papp wrote:
Can you tell me some algorithm to compute the score ? (Both players
and who is the winner...)
Thanks, Norbert
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