For those currently coding this up, I think the most important thing about this
playout algorithm is that it is *temporary*. You will almost certainly
be?replacing it with something different and better just a little bit down the
Creating an MC-UCT bot has a well worn path and its kind of an ontology
recapitulates phylogeny deal. First you implement light playouts (the random
non-eyefilling moves people are describing), then you implement UCT, then you
throw away the light playouts and replace them?with heavy playouts, then you
start extreme modifications to UCT...
So you probably don't want to worry about hair-splitting tweaks except as an
academic exercise.
Yes, I agree. Also my hair brained scheme of pre-generated tables of
list traversal orderings was just an academic exercise as you say.
- Don
- Dave Hillis
-----Original Message-----
From: Christoph Birk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: computer-go <computer-go@computer-go.org>
Sent: Tue, 13 May 2008 3:40 pm
Subject: Re: [computer-go] 10k UCT bots
On Tue, 13 May 2008, Mark Boon wrote:?
If this asymmetry really bothers you, you could very easily fix this by?
wrapping the search around. There's no asymmetry in a circle.?
That doesn't fix anything.?
Why not? The whole argument is about a bias against points towards the end. >
In a circular list there is no 'end'.?
No, it was a bias towards moves "behind" illegal moves.?
Those moves are twice as likely to be played than other moves. Consider a list
with 5 moves:?
[Move1] [Move2] [Move3] [Move4] [Move5]?
You create a random number between 1 and 5. If Move2 is illegeal?
for example, then you will play?
?Move1 if random#=1?
?Move3 if random#=2 or 3,?
?Move4 =4?
?Move5 =5?
Move3 is twice as likely to be played. Even if you make a circular?
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