I don't care much about it being noticeable. This thread is about
putting bots on CGOS that use a reproducible algorithm, to help people
detect bugs in their implementations. As part of specifying what these
bots do, we should all pick the next move in a playout using the same
criteria. If we agree to use uniform distribution among empty
non-eyeish points, that's what should be implemented.
I agree with this. If we get too clever we lose confidence that we
are comparing apples to apples by risking bugs and making assumptions
that may not hold.
I take an opposite approach: the data will tell us when we are
comparing apples and oranges. It will help us identify the major
factors leading to strength. There's probably more subtle variation
than we realize...
But when someone is explicitly asking for a direct comparison, you
don't want to just throw in your own magic and then try to sort it out
later. You are probably looking for implementation bugs, not
implementation differences. That has it's place but not in this context.
- Don
- Don
I would imagine moving an illegal point towards the end and only start
including it when the other 'legal' moves run out can lead to
terrible bias
however because they may not remain illegal for very long and actually
become important points to play. A ko-point is probably the most
example of that.
I don't think you understood the algorithm. The eyeish point is
removed from the lottery only for picking this particular move, not
for the rest of the playout.
Anyway, I don't bother to order the empty-point-list or scramble
them in any
way prior to the game. So the first point is the 1-1 point and the
last is
the 19-19 point (or whatever boardsize you're playing) so I have no
about those moves being a little less likely to be played. Or even
a lot
less. I think it would actually be beneficial.
Reproducibility was the point, not strength of the bot.
If this asymmetry really bothers you, you could very easily fix
this by
wrapping the search around. There's no asymmetry in a circle.
That doesn't fix anything.
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