On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 1:57 PM, terry mcintyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- David Fotland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Since I sell software, building Linux apps is out of
> > the question, since
> > Linux users will insist that  I give them my work
> > for free.
> I bought a windoze version of Many Faces, and would be
> delighted to pay for a Linux version of MFG 12,
> whenever that becomes available. Having a "free as in
> speech" OS does not preclude supporting the efforts of
> commercial developers.
> I see Linux market share increasing. Microsoft
> recently announced that Windows XP will be supported
> for two more years - presumably due to widespread
> discontent with Vista.

If my primary OS was Linux or BSD of some kind, I would not hesitate
to pay for programs if they do something I need. There's just one
caveat to this, and that is the relative brittleness of version

My greatest fear is to be locked into a situation like this. This is
the current officially supported list of operating systems for
Softimage XSI on Linux, a 3d graphics program I use on Windows.

  Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 4, kernel 2.6.9.
  Fedora Project Core 3, kernel 2.6.9-1.667smp.
  Novell SUSE LINUX 9.3.

  Default GNOME window manager or KDE.

  You should also be able to run XSI on other Linux distributions
provided that you adhere to the following guidelines:

  Kernel: 2.4.18-3 – 2.6.11
  XFree86, XFree86-libs: 4.2.0, 4.3.0

Three distributions officially supported, out of a multitude. All
three being somewhat (understatement?) out of date by now. Limitations
on the kernel versions. Etc, etc. This, rather than being
non-opensource, is why I'd rather use open source on Linux or BSD, so
I can recompile programs for my particular installation, rather than
hoping the developer will support it explicitly, as well as keeping up
with the relatively rapid changes to the kernel and runtime libraries
and any other system part the program happen to rely upon.

Lars Nilsson
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