UCT is based on a theory of a multi-armed bandit, with uncertain knowledge 
about which "arms" would be most productive. Is it possible to graft various 
sources of knowledge into a sort of meta-bandit algorithm?

As to fusing top-level knowledge with random playouts, I love the idea, and am 
trying to imagine  how to implement it. One idea is this: certain moves in 
certain situations might trigger a forced reply. Playing one of a pair of miai, 
for instance, should result in a high probability of the matching move played 
as a response - especially if failure to do so would result in killing a group. 
Analysis of a group could conclude that life depends on certain external 
liberties, or the ability to play one of two alternate moves, yadda yadda; 
those threats then trigger appropriate automatic responses with high 
Regarding the scalability study, the results are tricking in more slowly now, I 
think. Is the number of machines in use the same as before? I'm very curious 
about that flat spot for Mogo-16, 17, and 18. ( 
http://cgos.boardspace.net/study/index.html )

Terry McIntyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

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