See below I created a table that shows the transformation from KGS ratings
to the Elo that CGOS uses.  I set 6k=1800 because I believe that is what GNU
3.7.10 is under both systems.  Does anyone have more data points for bots
that play on both systems?

Also is there an "all times" list for 19x19?  CS-9-17-2CPU is on top at
2297, but I don't think that's the strongest CrazyStone.  I think other strong
19x19 bots are not on the current list either.

To create the table I calculated the probability for a player of rank X to
upset a player of rank X+1.  Then I converted this to the equivalent number
of Elo points for the same upset rate.  Finally I made a running total,
setting 6k to 1800.  The transform could be done using calculus I suppose
but it's been a long time since I did that!  :)

               ELO      set
rank     k    1 rank  6k=1800
 10k   0.80    139     1,244
  9k   0.80    139     1,383
  8k   0.80    139     1,522
  7k   0.80    139     1,661
  6k   0.80    139     1,800
  5k   0.80    139     1,939
  4k   0.88    153     2,078
  3k   0.97    168     2,231
  2k   1.05    182     2,399
  1k   1.13    197     2,582
  1d   1.22    211     2,779
  2d   1.30    226     2,990
  3d   1.30    226     3,216
  4d   1.30    226     3,442
  5d   1.30    226     3,667
  6d   1.30    226     3,893
  7d   1.30    226     4,119
  8d   1.30    226     4,345
  9d   1.30    226     4,571
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