Yes, you are right.   But gnugo's 1800 rating is the only real point of
reference that I have.   As you get farther away from 1800 I believe
it's the case that the "true" rating can be sloppy.   

- Don

Sylvain Gelly wrote:
>     between pairs
>     of programs, you can get a more and more confident belief about
>     the actual ELO.  so they'll converge to the correct values, and
>     should do so reasonably rapidly. 
> You are right. My point was that here we have only 1 fixed rating,
> which is very low, and all the higher levels depends on the levels
> just below them. So I wondered if the underestimate was propagating
> and cumulating, making the top, as you add doublings, more and more
> far from the "real" values. It is why I wondered about the curve if we
> made "virtual games" between players with fixed "linear" ratings, to
> see what the current method would predict (note that all players are
> being rated at the same time).
> It was just an hypothesis, it may be totally irrelevant :)
> Sylvain
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