David Fotland wrote:
> Isn't Greenpeep an alpha-beta searcher, not UCT/MC?
> Since Go ranks are based an handicap stones, and 100 ELO points implies a
> particular winning percentage, it would be an unlikely coincidence if 1 rank
> is 100 ELO points.  Any web site that claims this must be wrong :) and
> should have little credibility.
I don't believe it's 100 ELO either.   It's probably something between
100 and 200.

> David
>> The strongest bot on CGOS all time list seems to be  greenpeep0.5.1
>> <http://cgos.boardspace.net/9x9/cross/greenpeep0.5.1.html> with a
>> rating
>> of 2621.
>> This implies it is almost equal to a 5 Dan player - which doesn't sound
>> right to me.    However,  this could be fluky since it is as at the
>> extreme end of the scale.      It would be great if this same program
>> could play some strong humans at the equivalent time control on KGS at
>> 9x9 and we could adjust the difference between ranks accordingly.
>> I suspect there is more than 100 ELO between ranks at 9x9.
>> - Don
>> Don Dailey wrote:
>>> Christoph,
>>> Your bayeselo rating is 1942 on CGOS.      I compiled a table that
>> has
>>> all players with 50 games or more which can be found here:
>>>   http://cgos.boardspace.net/9x9/hof2.html
>>> - Don
>>> Christoph Birk wrote:
>>>> On Tue, 11 Dec 2007, Don Dailey wrote:
>>>>> Christoph,
>>>>> Let me know when you are finished,  what name you are playing under
>> and
>>>>> I will do the bayeselo thing to get a better figure.
>>>> I am playing using the 'tast-3k' account. Right, now I have 71 games
>>>> and a rating of 1979 ELO.
>>>>>      Also, I can
>>>>> throw out any games that were irregular if you can identify them,
>> such
>>>>> as if  a match started when you were not looking or your interface
>> got
>>>>> glitchy or something.
>>>> Since I added the GUI I lost no games due to software problems.
>>>> Only a few "won" games lost to human stupidity :-)
>>>> I will take a break over the holidays, maybe playing a few more
>>>> games in the new year, but I guess for my purposes a zero-point
>>>>    "3k-AGA ~=~ 2000 CGOS-ELO"
>>>> is close enough. Unless we get some other (AGA or KGS) rated
>>>> players it not make sense to get a more precise rating for the
>>>> scale.
>>>> Christoph
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