
Thank you all who answered my question. I think I understand better
what each of you talks about. I still have the feeling that at some
level different people think about different things when referring to
some notion, but it's probably just me.

On Dec 10, 2007 11:26 PM, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> This uncertainity is what gives the less-than-1 confidence you
>> discussed, but my feeling is that it varies too much with the sequence
>> length -- the answer would be to add some intelligence, like MoGo and
>> the other top programs do.
> Yes.    You may not have 100% confidence, but it's a huge step in the
> right direction.   After all,  how can you do better than actually
> matching the goal of your program with the actual goal of the game?
> Beginners essentially make it their goal to win stones, advanced players
> set the goal of doing whatever it takes to win.

This is correct. But isn't a beginner that happens to have the right
goals still just a beginner, as long as it lacks the technique to
follow the goals and also can't properly evaluate the result of a line
of play?

best regards,
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