I have had this experience many times:

   1. You see a move that sucks.
   2.  You identify the problem and engineer a solution.
   3.  The solution indeed works - it cures the problem.
   4.  The program plays worse than it did before.

By the way,  you are being modest,  Antigo is not bad on 9x9.    It's
true there is a pack of programs that are way out front, but they are
mostly different version of just 3 or 4 programs.   Your program would
be the top program if it was on the server 2 years ago.   Do you
remember when CGOS started?    It was an impressive feat to break 1800
back then.

- Don

> My engine, Antigo, is not one of the strongest and only plays 9x9
> games. It does not read ladders correctly unless they are short enough
> for the tree to handle it. But I could uncomment a few lines of code
> and then the playouts would know how to handle simple ladders for
> external nodes. The rules in the heavy playouts can be tuned so that
> both colors will play out any ladder. Or each color can read ahead,
> during the playout, to decide whether or not to continue a ladder-like
> Valkyria does. In my experience, both ways produce a net decrease in
> playing strength for my particular bot.
> Adjusting the heavy playout rules to deal with particular tactical
> issues leads to a lot of unintended consequences.
> I've also tried doing a tactical analysis for each string
> (coincidentally also using MC/UCT) as a first pass at the root node
> and using information from that to inform the playouts. It almost
> helps... it ought to help... if I tried one more thing...
> I'd be happy to accept that any sort of traditional go information
> *might* improve MC/UCT. But until it gets down to specifics, there's
> not much to argue about.
> - Dave Hillis
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