Since Valkyria is slow anyway, I can have it read ladders in the simulations. The ladder code is really fast and a little buggy, but works often enough to not cause major problems. I never tested the benefits of the ladder code it just appeared to be much stronger.


Quoting Rémi Coulom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Robert Jasiek wrote:
Mark Boon wrote:
Question: how do MC programs perform with a long ladder on the board?

Crazy Stone handles ladder with progressive widening. Ladder atari is
usually ranked first or very high in the move list, and ladder
extension lower. So, the tree-search part usually does not read out the
ladder completely, but prunes the extension. It seems to work well in
practice. Because progressive widening will include the ladder
extension at some point, Crazy Stone may still play ladder extensions
if it finds reasons to do so.

According to some discussions I had with Sylvain in Amsterdam, MoGo's
approach is a little more primitive. If I remember correctly, it
completely prunes ladder extensions. I am not sure if it is done only
at the root, or inside the tree search too.

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Magnus Persson
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