Which version of the viewer do you have?     I don't think this works
unless you have
the right version which I don't think I've published yet.

Also,  you might have the wrong server.   He now has it as cgos.lri.fr

So try this:   ./cgosview cgos.lri.fr  6919

You can also try the -server and -port but I don't think it will
work.    Sorry about the confusion.

- Don

Joshua Shriver wrote:
>  ./cgosviewer -server pc5-120.lri.fr -port 6919
> could not execute
> However if I just run cgosviewer without and cli arguments I can see 9x9 fine.
> -Josh
> On 10/26/07, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> It does work, you are just doing something wrong.   If it comes up,  it
>> is working but it is very slow loading the initial set of games - so you
>> must be patient,  it could take 15-30 seconds.      It used to be fast,
>> I'm not sure why it's slowed down but it's probably a database issue -
>> the database is huge now (and I use sqlite3 which is very fast for
>> smaller databases, but not as scalable as slower more heavy duty
>> databases like mysql.)
>> Make sure you have the version of the viewing from the 9x9 website.
>> Also,  make sure you are using the right port number,   it used to be
>> 6819 now it's 6919,   Olivier used a different port for some reason.
>> - Don
>> Joshua Shriver wrote:
>>> I'm not able to connect to the 19x19 server either.
>>> I even tried telnet'ing to it.  Cgosviewer keeps telling me could not
>>> execute, but I dont believe it's a binary problem since if I just run
>>> the viewer it comes up (just doesnt connect to anything)
>>> Here is the tail of a traceroute.
>>> 8  nri-a-g1-0-0-101.cssi.renater.fr ( [MPLS: Label 142
>>> Exp 0]  119 ms  137 ms  121 ms
>>> 19  orsay-g0-0-0-170.cssi.renater.fr (  117 ms  125 ms  121 ms
>>> 20  ups-orsay.cssi.renater.fr (  137 ms  135 ms  121 ms
>>> 21  * (  158 ms !A *
>>> -Josh
>>> On 10/26/07, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> I found the version - it's version 0.33 and I never published it.
>>>> You can specify any game ever played on cgos and it will bring
>>>> it up.     You can also bring several up like this:
>>>>   cgosview.exe -server cgos.lri.fr  -port 6919  -games 1 2 3 4 5 99 17
>>>> If Olivier puts up a front page of some kind I  will update the viewing
>>>> client to work with the new 19x19 site  by default and he can post
>>>> them.
>>>> - Don
>>>> Don Dailey wrote:
>>>>> Actually,   I just tried the windows viewer on my linux system and it
>>>>> worked!     I guess wine, the windows emulator has come a long way!
>>>>> Here is what I did:
>>>>>      cgosview.exe  cgos.lri.fr  6919
>>>>> I did this from a bash shell and it came up just fine on my edgy eft
>>>>> ubuntu system.
>>>>> If a windows program runs on linux, it has to work on windows!
>>>>> - Don
>>>>> Don Dailey wrote:
>>>>>> As far as I know the viewer works just fine.
>>>>>> Has anyone else tried the windows viewer on the new 19x19 site?
>>>>>> I haven't tried it with windows, but you must pass the site and port
>>>>>> number to the viewer from the command line like this:
>>>>>>    cgosview.exe  cgos.lri.fr  6919
>>>>>> The viewer is a really nice way to look at games.  A 3rd argument
>>>>>> will let you view a specific game number:
>>>>>>    cgosview.exe  cgos.lri.fr  6919  777
>>>>>>    (view game 777)
>>>>>> - Don
>>>>>> David Fotland wrote:
>>>>>>> no, I never got the viewer to work for me.
>>>>>>> I was too conservative with time control so Many Faces is only playing 
>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>> level 8 (of 10), and finishing its games in 2 or 3 minutes.  But it's
>>>>>>> winning them all, so I guess I should prefer short time limits :)
>>>>>>> Since Many Faces was originally written for a 12 MHz x286, it works 
>>>>>>> pretty
>>>>>>> well at very short time limits.
>>>>>>> David
>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>>>>>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Don Dailey
>>>>>>>> Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 6:30 PM
>>>>>>>> To: computer-go
>>>>>>>> Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [computer-go] 19x19 CGOS
>>>>>>>> Are you able to watch the games in the viewer ok?    I am watching one
>>>>>>>> of your games right now.
>>>>>>>> - Don
>>>>>>>> David Fotland wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I puton Many Faces version 11, but it might not be playing at fill
>>>>>>>>> strength. It ouwld be nice if I can click on a game to see the sgf
>>>>>>>>> record.  right now it gives an error.
>>>>>>>>> David
>>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>>>>>>>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
>>>>>>>>>> Olivier Teytaud
>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 9:15 AM
>>>>>>>>>> To: computer-go
>>>>>>>>>> Subject: [computer-go] 19x19 CGOS
>>>>>>>>>> The cgos 19x19 server is seemingly ok,
>>>>>>>>>> the port 6919 is now opened for all the universe.
>>>>>>>>>> The name of the machine is "cgos.lri.fr" (and not
>>>>>>>>>> pc5-120.lri.fr as previously).
>>>>>>>>>> The port is 6919. It is 19x19, 10 minutes per side for
>>>>>>>>>> testing; I will move to something longer later (depending on
>>>>>>>>>> what people prefer, I'll do a weighted average of durations
>>>>>>>>>> suggested on the mailing list :-) ).
>>>>>>>>>> http://www.lri.fr/~teytaud/cgosStandings.html
>>>>>>>>>> Unfortunately, I'll be away from my email
>>>>>>>>>> from tomorrow to wednesday and will not be able to
>>>>>>>>>> correct the troubles that people will almost surely find
>>>>>>>>>> in this installation; sorry for that.
>>>>>>>>>> The installation is a bit complicated in order to avoid
>>>>>>>>>> troubles due to the firewall and I am almost sure that some
>>>>>>>>>> troubles will appear very soon :-)
>>>>>>>>>> All comments welcome (in particular in the next hours as I am
>>>>>>>>>> still close to my computer a few hours :-) ).
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