It does work, you are just doing something wrong.   If it comes up,  it
is working but it is very slow loading the initial set of games - so you
must be patient,  it could take 15-30 seconds.      It used to be fast,
I'm not sure why it's slowed down but it's probably a database issue -
the database is huge now (and I use sqlite3 which is very fast for
smaller databases, but not as scalable as slower more heavy duty
databases like mysql.) 

Make sure you have the version of the viewing from the 9x9 website.  
Also,  make sure you are using the right port number,   it used to be
6819 now it's 6919,   Olivier used a different port for some reason.

- Don

Joshua Shriver wrote:
> I'm not able to connect to the 19x19 server either.
> I even tried telnet'ing to it.  Cgosviewer keeps telling me could not
> execute, but I dont believe it's a binary problem since if I just run
> the viewer it comes up (just doesnt connect to anything)
> Here is the tail of a traceroute.
> 8 ( [MPLS: Label 142
> Exp 0]  119 ms  137 ms  121 ms
> 19 (  117 ms  125 ms  121 ms
> 20 (  137 ms  135 ms  121 ms
> 21  * (  158 ms !A *
> -Josh
> On 10/26/07, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I found the version - it's version 0.33 and I never published it.
>> You can specify any game ever played on cgos and it will bring
>> it up.     You can also bring several up like this:
>>   cgosview.exe -server  -port 6919  -games 1 2 3 4 5 99 17
>> If Olivier puts up a front page of some kind I  will update the viewing
>> client to work with the new 19x19 site  by default and he can post
>> them.
>> - Don
>> Don Dailey wrote:
>>> Actually,   I just tried the windows viewer on my linux system and it
>>> worked!     I guess wine, the windows emulator has come a long way!
>>> Here is what I did:
>>>      cgosview.exe  6919
>>> I did this from a bash shell and it came up just fine on my edgy eft
>>> ubuntu system.
>>> If a windows program runs on linux, it has to work on windows!
>>> - Don
>>> Don Dailey wrote:
>>>> As far as I know the viewer works just fine.
>>>> Has anyone else tried the windows viewer on the new 19x19 site?
>>>> I haven't tried it with windows, but you must pass the site and port
>>>> number to the viewer from the command line like this:
>>>>    cgosview.exe  6919
>>>> The viewer is a really nice way to look at games.  A 3rd argument
>>>> will let you view a specific game number:
>>>>    cgosview.exe  6919  777
>>>>    (view game 777)
>>>> - Don
>>>> David Fotland wrote:
>>>>> no, I never got the viewer to work for me.
>>>>> I was too conservative with time control so Many Faces is only playing at
>>>>> level 8 (of 10), and finishing its games in 2 or 3 minutes.  But it's
>>>>> winning them all, so I guess I should prefer short time limits :)
>>>>> Since Many Faces was originally written for a 12 MHz x286, it works pretty
>>>>> well at very short time limits.
>>>>> David
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>>>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Don Dailey
>>>>>> Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 6:30 PM
>>>>>> To: computer-go
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [computer-go] 19x19 CGOS
>>>>>> Are you able to watch the games in the viewer ok?    I am watching one
>>>>>> of your games right now.
>>>>>> - Don
>>>>>> David Fotland wrote:
>>>>>>> I puton Many Faces version 11, but it might not be playing at fill
>>>>>>> strength. It ouwld be nice if I can click on a game to see the sgf
>>>>>>> record.  right now it gives an error.
>>>>>>> David
>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>>>>>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
>>>>>>>> Olivier Teytaud
>>>>>>>> Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 9:15 AM
>>>>>>>> To: computer-go
>>>>>>>> Subject: [computer-go] 19x19 CGOS
>>>>>>>> The cgos 19x19 server is seemingly ok,
>>>>>>>> the port 6919 is now opened for all the universe.
>>>>>>>> The name of the machine is "" (and not
>>>>>>>> as previously).
>>>>>>>> The port is 6919. It is 19x19, 10 minutes per side for
>>>>>>>> testing; I will move to something longer later (depending on
>>>>>>>> what people prefer, I'll do a weighted average of durations
>>>>>>>> suggested on the mailing list :-) ).
>>>>>>>> Unfortunately, I'll be away from my email
>>>>>>>> from tomorrow to wednesday and will not be able to
>>>>>>>> correct the troubles that people will almost surely find
>>>>>>>> in this installation; sorry for that.
>>>>>>>> The installation is a bit complicated in order to avoid
>>>>>>>> troubles due to the firewall and I am almost sure that some
>>>>>>>> troubles will appear very soon :-)
>>>>>>>> All comments welcome (in particular in the next hours as I am
>>>>>>>> still close to my computer a few hours :-) ).
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