We faced this when saving each of the SlugGo lookahead paths, one from each CPU.
Getting the parens to all match up is critical.


On 15, Oct 2007, at 7:13 AM, Jason House wrote:

Is the text at http://www.red-bean.com/sgf/sgf4.html#ebnf-def correct?

It seems to me that
   GameTree = "(" Sequence { GameTree } ")"
Is rather restrictive and should possibly be
   GameTree = "(" Sequence { GameTree } [Sequence] ")"

Without a change like that, doing a local variation requires one of two things: 1. Enclose the sequence after the variation in another set of parenthesis (to make it a valid gameTree in its own right). This seems almost silly to do. 2. Extend the local variation to the end of the game (this strategy could lead to many closing parenthesis at the end of the file)

My preference is really to enclose local variations in parenthesis and then continue on as normal. I'm ok with the spec as is, it just seems a bit strange.
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