On 7/12/07, Robert Jasiek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Jason House wrote:
> I mean that the
> resulting marking of who's territories is who's matches what I would
> done if I stopped at that point and scored the game.

Occasionally, KGS fails here. See rec.games.go or elsewhere for details.

Honestly, I'm not interested enough to go searching.  I've played lots and
lots of games and feel comfortable from my experience that it works fine.

I don't see a way that
> the game would have come out to any other result if the extra 10 moves
> played.

Of course. If you don't look carefully each time, you overlook KGS's

... Both players can review the outcome before accepting it.  If they don't
agree, they undo and play enough to correct the problem...  If both players
miss it because it's a more complex vulnerability, then they miss it and the
score corresponds to their expectations.
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