On 7/12/07, Robert Jasiek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Jason House wrote:
> KGS does a fine job with unfilled dame.

Any server that violates the rules during scoring does not do a "fine"
job. KGS violates whichever Japanese rules.

It's probably already clear that I pay little attention to the rules and
their subtleties.  I can honestly say that I don't know Japanese rules.  I
know territory and area scoring.  One is score = territory + captures, the
other is territory + living stones.  I know some of the seki problems on
goproblems.com throw me for a loop with how they score it given a particular

I play for *fun*.  When I say KGS scores the game as "fine", I mean that the
resulting marking of who's territories is who's matches what I would have
done if I stopped at that point and scored the game.  I don't see a way that
the game would have come out to any other result if the extra 10 moves were
played.  If the way KGS does it shaves 10 moves off the end of the game when
the game is already decided, I'm happy and having (slightly) more fun.

I run some really dumb bots online that play perfectly fine blitz games
(10s/move) with Chinese rules and it still drives humans insane because the
computer doesn't stop playing.  People resign won games in endgame because
they can't take it.  There is some value in reducing the number of moves in
a game.

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