Delighted to finally have a way to watch CGOS activity....

Thanks...   Tris....

At 09:51 AM 4/2/2007, you wrote:
I now have a primitive but working prototype of a graphical game
viewer for CGOS.   Although it's primitive, it's quite nice for
viewing games as they are being played.

Please download one for your platform by going the link and
finding it under the section "getting started"

Please try it out and give me some feedback.

I am interested in getting this working on a MAC too, but I
don't have one to experiment with.   There is a cross platform
version that will run on almost any computer if you download
the appropriate tclkit for you platform - instructions are on
the page I have provided.

If a mac user can help me out here,  I will provide a
version that requires no additional download, just the
viewer.   But I will need some help.

- Don

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