I received a surprising number of responses to the new viewer
I posted and even fixed a bug based on your feedback.

I now have a client for MAC's,  so there is something for
3 common platforms so far.   If your platform isn't covered,
I can probably fix that too with a little help.  

So right now there is a viewing client for:

   x86 windows.
   x86 linux - 64bit and 32 bit.
   mac OS-X  darwin aqua universal

Presumably the darwin client runs on powerPC as well as x86
but I have not tested this client.   I hope someone will 
try it for me and let me know if it works.

I also zipped them up, because some browsers try to download
the file directly to the browser windows instead of saving
them as a file - but they understand zip files.


Also, I am hoping someone will be interested enough to build
a better client, perhaps in java or C.   I will assist with
information on the protocol - additions to the protocol if
needed, etc.   It's really very trivial and simple.  

I will improve the current client, but only to a point - I'm
not really a GUI programmer and I'm not very interested in
doing GUI stuff right now but I know there is a lot of talent
in this group.   

I will probably also do another engine client that doesn't 
just connect you to CGOS but watches it being played graphically.

- Don

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