Le vendredi 22 décembre 2006 21:44, Don Dailey a écrit :
> I still have a hard time believing that the system scales very well
> across a 9 kyu range.
Handicap system works incredibly well, from very weak kyu to strong dan.
Moreover, the problem of the black players are the same whatever his
 "absolute" strenght is! That's why some josekis are seen mainly in handicap
games: they are simple, a little slow locally, but works perfectly with the
others handicap stones, with no variation. As the handicap decrease, things
are getting more complex, more variations are possible, global understanding
is needed ...

9 handi means black is beginner and understand nearly nothing compared to
white. Typical 9 handi problems are:
- B corner is surrounded an die!
- Black is so scared for his corners that it plays only pure defense move
 and makes no points.
- W takes control of the center and kills a huge group.

That's part of the magic of go.

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